Enjoyed Pink-headed Fruit-dove in Malang

A sunny day when we were birding in Tahura R. Soeryo, Malang, East Java on 21 October 2017 with a family group from Jakarta. I Departed from Batu city around 08.30 am and arrived at the first location around Cangar hot spring 09.30 am.

We started walking around the cafeteria, we were greeted by Gray Wagtail flying down a small river in front of the canteen. Then scoped at the branches of the trees around. For 10 minutes only Sooty-headed Bulbul appeared.

Moved around the public toilet immediately greeted a Javan Kingfisher perched on the tree behind the toilet. We approached and looked for a clear view to enjoy its colorful feathers. These Java-Bali endemics are usually not easy to observe, it would fly away when seen by people approached.

Then the mix-flocks come with a noisy tweet at the top of the trees near the hot spring garden. The observed species such as Black-winged Flycatchershrike, Sunda Minivet, Sunda Cuckooshrike, Ashy Drongo, Blue Nuthatch and Velvet-fronted Nuthatch.

Next, we went into a jogging trek that led to the Japanese cave. Quite quiet along this path, just heard Rusty-breasted Cuckoo singing and a fast view of Oriental Cuckoo. Likewise when we arrived in front of the Japanese cave, hardly any birds appeared.

Wait a while and at least see the female White-flanked Sunbird and Javan Whistling Thrush which was the island’s endemic. Around 11.30 am I moved to the second spot, Watu Ondo ‘s parking area and park.

Upon arrival, an Indigo Flycatcher welcomed us. Indigo subspecies became full species spread only in montane and submontane primary and moss forests of Java. He perched on the bushes and occasionally grabbed the flying insects around it.

The raptor migration had begun, marked by the presence of Crested Honey Buzzard soaring high enough above us, then flew away from view.

We then walked in the opposite direction and found some Flame-fronted Barbet foraged at Ficus sp trees. This bird was very tame and did not care about us observing it close enough, about 10 meters.

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Suddenly in the same tree from behind the leaves came a Pink-headed Fruit-dove to the center of a twig near the main stem. The red color in the head to his chest very firmly indicates that this was a male bird.

Same with the previous species, he did not feel disturbed by our presence. For approximately 45 minutes, we enjoyed this beautiful bird. Sometimes he ate the fruit of Ficus sp and then moved to perched and returned to eat the fruit. This live in the mountain forests of Sumatra and Java, became tour closing. Although it was only one day, at least we were lucky to see many species that were quite elusive and of course beautiful.

Systematic List:

1. Sooty-headed Bulbul | Pycnonotus aurigaster

2. Grey Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea

3. Lesser Forktail | Enicurus velatus | Heard Only

4. Javan Kingfisher | Halcyon cyanoventris

5. Black-winged Flycatchershrike | Hemipus hirundinaceus

6. Sunda Cuckooshrike | Coracina larvata

7. Sunda Minivet | Pericrocotus miniatus

8. Blue Nuthatch | Sitta azurea

9. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch | Sitta frontalis

10. Little Pied Flycatcher | Ficedula westermanni

11. Indigo Flycatcher | Eumyias indigo

12. Javan Hawk-Eagle | Nisaetus bartelsi

13. Oriental Cuckoo | Cuculus saturates

14. Rusty-breasted Cuckoo | Cacomantis sepulcralis

15. Ashy Drongo | Dicrurus leucophaeus

16. Sunda Whistling-thrush | Myophonus glaucinus

17. White-flanked Sunbird | Aethopyga eximia

18. Sunda Bush-warbler | Cettia vulcania | Heard Only

19. Lesser Shortwing | Brachypteryx leucophrys | Heard Only

20. White-browed Shrike-Babbler | Pteruthius flaviscapis

21. Crested Honey Buzzard | Pernis ptilorhynchus

22. Flame-fronted Barbet | Megalaima armillaris

23. Pink-headed Friut-dove | Ptilinopus porphyreus


1. Trachypithecus auratus | Javan Leaf Monkey

Christmas Island Frigatebirds on Jakarta Bay

On 14-15th October 2017 we received an invitation from Seabirds Indonesia (Burung Laut Indonesia) to perform seabirds surveys and monitoring especially to one of the most threatened seabirds in the world that listed on IUCN as critically endangered, the Cristmas Island Frigatebird around Jakarta Bay and marine area of the Kepulauan Seribu National Park, Jakarta.

This big pelagic bird with dominant feather colored black and white is an endemic island of Christmas, a small oceanic island governed by Australia in the eastern Indian Ocean, about 360 km south of Java, Indonesia. Using marine areas in Indonesia especially around Jakarta Bay for forage while breeding with Juvenile which will stay until mature and ready to return for breeding. The highest numbers ever known about Christmas Island Frigatebird are 209 individuals in this location from a total population of about 2400-4800. The numbers were not small considering the threat around Jakarta Bay, among others: Entanglement in fishing gear, Capture and attachment of string to leg, Poisoning / Sedating, and Shooting.

We calculate the age of each individual Christmas Island Frigatebird and look for potential threats in Jakarta Bay and Kepulauan Seribu. In addition to Christmas Island Frigatebird, we also recorded the species of seabirds that use the marine area of Jakarta Bay and Kepulauan Seribu for forage or roosting during the migration season.

In addition, we also conducted a special interview with the head of a group of fishermen on the Harapan island.

Departing from Tanjung Pakis, Tangerang, Banten at around 08.00 am we sailed to sero (Traditional fishing) about 45 minutes. At the sero bamboo stakes that seabirds use for perch, we also counted seabirds passing by and flying around the fishing boats.

We had encountered such as Christmas Island Frigatebird, Great Frigatebird, Lesser Frigatebird, Little Black Cormorant, Greater Crested Tern, Lesser Crested Tern, Common Tern, Black Naped Tern, Brown Noddy, Oriental Darter, Glossy Ibis, Swinhoe’s Storm-petrel.

At 03.30pm we arrived at Harapan island, then headed to the Kepulauan Seribu NP office and met staff and fishermen. 04.30 pm with local staff and fishermen we did afternoon birding around the shoreline of Harapan island. The birds that can be encountered such as: Slender-billed Crow, Pacific Reef Egret, Eurasian Whimbrel, Barn Swallow and Collared Kingfisher.

In the evening we discussed with the head of the fishermen group of Harapan island. Apparently most of the fishermen in Harapan island already understand the role and importance of seabirds, mainly helping them in finding fish locations. According to them, seabirds accidentally enter their fish nets. From the statement we ask to immediately release if in the future there are seabirds who accidentally enter into the net or fish trap.

15 October 2017 at 09.00 am we left for Tanjung Pakis while recording and counted the seabirds along the way. No new species were found. Around 02.00 pm we arrived at Tanjung Pakis and the activity in this month is over. Will be done again per month until December 2017.

Systematic List:

  • Christmas Island Frigatebird | Fregata andrewsi
  • Great Frigatebird | Fregata minor
  • Lesser Frigatebird | Fregata ariel
  • Little Black Cormorant | Microcarbo niger
  • Greater Crested Tern | Thalasseus bergii
  • Lesser Crested Tern | Thalasseus bengalensis
  • Common Tern | Sterna hirundo
  • Black-naped Tern | Sterna sumatrana
  • Brown Noddy | Anous stolidus
  • Oriental Darter | Anhinga melanogaster
  • Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus
  • Swinhoe’s Storm-petrel | Hydrobates monorhis
  • Slender-billed Crow | Corvus enca
  • Pacific Reef Egret | Egretta sacra
  • Eurasian Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus
  • Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica
  • Pacific Swallow | Hirundo tahitica
  • Collared Kingfisher | Halcyon chloris
  • Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos


TIRTANINGTYAS, F.N & HENNICKE, J. 2015. Threats to the critically endangered Christmas Island Frigatebird Fregata andrewsi in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia, and implications for reconsidering conservation priorities. Marine Ornithology 43 (2015): 137-140.

TIRTANINGTYAS, F.N & KHALEB, Y. 2017. Updating the Seabird Fauna of Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. Marine Ornithology 43: 137-140. Marine Ornithology 45 (2017): 11–16

How To Draw Geometric Illustration of Bird – Tutorial Photoshop

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Birding on Sumba

Sumba is part of East Nusa Tenggara, famous for its megalithic traditions, one of which is Pasola. On this island, grassland and monsoon forest are still well preserved place for various animal species. Approximately ± 200 species of birds, ± 110 species of butterflies, ± 35 species of herpetofauna and ± 23 species of mammals. In particular, Sumba island has 36 endemic species and about 14 species of islands endemic.

For birdwatchers, Lewa, Yumbu-bridge and Manurara are mandatory locations to seek endemics. In August 2017 we found a new birding site in Sumba island. In the area of the only national park on the island, named Billa. This location is better than Lewa, especially for bird-photography. Almost all endemic species are within a very close distance and can be accessed by foot. Yet, by far the best location to see Sumba Buttonquail, is the grassland around Yumbu.

The following information on the birding site in Sumba:

Billa, Praingkareha Resort

It is part of Manupeu Tana Daru and Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park, located in the southern part of the island. Administratively entered into District Tabundung East Sumba, Nusa Tenggara province. To get to Billa from Waingapu is about 4-5 hours (110 Km).

Almost all endemic species can be found (except for Sumba Buttonquail) without moving from one site to another. Paradise for bird-photographers especially in August – October when the river dries up until the remaining small pools.

All passerine like Spectacled Monarch, Sumba Brown Flycatcher, Sumba Jungle Flycatcher, Sumba Flycatcher, Orange-backed Thrush, Orange-footed Scrubfowl, Arafura Fantail, Oriental-dwarf Kingfisher, Paradise-flycatcher and Elegant Pitta Paradise will come for a drink, easy to taking a photo. On the edge of the river can be found Red-naped Fruitdove, Sumba Green Pigeon, Sumba Cicadabird.

There is a hill called Laibola, about 30 minutes from the camping area to its peak. The best location in the morning to see Billa landscape along with the rising of the Sun, the birds will start actively looking for perch such as dozens of Sumba Hornbill before the breeding period, Yellow-crested Cockatoo, Electus Parrot, Red-cheeked Parrot, Great-billed Parrot and Marigold Lorikeet.

Greater Sumba Boobook easy to find in Billa

At night, just go to the public toilet Greater Sumba boobok will sound and be easily observed along with a dozen Least Sumba Boobooks and Meesi Nightjar.


A village located in the middle of the island, still has a nice monsoon forest to see the endemics, accessible by driving from Waingapu (City center) about 1 hour 30 minutes (55 Km).

The main location consists of several sections along the connecting roads of West and East Sumba, among others: a patch of degraded forest east of Lewa at KM51 on the road, c10km west of Lewa at KM68-72; c20km south of Lewa near the village of Watumbela; and about 30km west of Lewa at KM93-98.

Elegant Pitta, endemic race of the island

The birds might be can see Sumba Green Pigeon, Elegant Pitta, Chestnut-backed Thrush, Mees’s Nightjar, Orange-crested Cockatoo, Sumba Hornbill, Pale-headed Munia, Five-coloured Munia, Barn Owl, Greater Sumba Boobook, Little Sumba Boobook, Sumba-jungle Flycatcher, Sumba Flycatcher, Sumba-brown Flycatcher.

Yumbu Grassland

This site was commonly visited for Sumba Buttonquail. An area of open savannah like grassland east of town (12km from the airport). Aim for a road bridge at Yumbu. Walked the grasslands south east of the bridge, and also briefly north of the bridge.

Access and Accommodation

The best way for you to get to all the locations in Sumba is by renting a car, because it makes it easier to reach each site. The trails can be a bit confusing so you may consider asking a local for assistance as a guide.

In Billa there are no hotels or homestays. Asking local people for stay at night or build a tent on a camping area (close with spring water and public toilet). Unlike Lewa and Yumbu, you can stay at night at Hotel in Waingapu and drive to the site in the early morning.