Halfday Birding in Tahura Raden Soeryo, East Java. February 2018

When in Malang or Surabaya you can get a pretty neat bird list just by visiting Tahura Raden Soeryo at 37 Km to the north of Malang city (90 Km to the south-west of Surabaya city), on the west slope of Mount Welirang.

If there are still days left during the holidays in Malang which is usually the main purpose is Mount Bromo, can be tried fullday or halfday birding trips in this peaceful montane forest.

Photograph Indigo Warbling Flycatcher in parking area of Watu Ondo waterfalls.

As we did on February 14, 2018 went very well with one participant from England. Our clients want to get some nice photos of endemic Indigo Warbling Flycatcher Eumyas indigo. Very easily he got it and a bonus Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedula narcissina as his lifer.

We visited three different spots around Tahura Raden Soeryo. In the morning we went to the first stop in Watu Ondo Waterfall. We were searching for birds around the parking lot surrounded by bushes and trees that were quite dense. Around the canteen did not escape from our binoculars view, this place is suitable to see the activity of birds on the top tree’s canopy and also to enjoy the view of the waterfalls. In addition we also went down the river starting from the side of the canteen. The trees around the toilet are also valuable for checking, often seen as a mix flock in this area.

Main target during this trip, Indigo Warbling Flycatcher

Low bird activity we decided to visit Cangar hot springs, stop by at the Twin Bridge but the conditions here are also the same. The trek to the Japanese cave is the main birding location in Cangar hot springs. About 400 meters long tracks surrounded by bushes and trees typical of mountain forests. In addition, the river that flows around Cangar and around the cafeteria is worth adding to the list of birds.

Highlights: – One pair of Orange-spotted Bulbul with a great view in the parking area of Watu Ondo waterfall.

Indonesia montane endemic, Orange-spotted Bulbul

– One pair of Sunda Forktail seen behind the canteen of Watu Ondo waterfall.

Record shot of Sunda Forktail, endemic to Indonesia.

– 4-6 individuals of Indigo Warbling Flycacther at the parking area of Watu Ondo waterfall.

Frontal view of Indigo Warbling Flycatcher.

– Two individuals Narcissus Flycatcher around the toilet of Watu Ondo waterfall. This species is rare visitor to Indonesia.

Our client's lifer during this trip, the rare visitor Narcissus Flycatcher

– Six individuals of Javan scimitar-babblers (recently split from Chestnut-backed scimitar-babblers by some authors) near a Japanese cave.

Recently split from Chestnut-backed scimitar-babbler by some author, Javan Scimitar Babbler

– Two pairs of Pied-shrike Babblers in front of canteen Watu Ondo waterfall. – One pair Thrilling-shrike Babbler in front of canteen Watu Ondo waterfall.

Other notable birds included:

Flame-fronted Barbet, Long-tailed Shrike, Crested-honey Buzzard, Crested Serpent Eagle, Black Eagle, Spotted Dove, Ruddy Cuckoo-dove, Pink-headed Fruitdove, Chestnut-breasted Malkoha, Cave Swiftlet, Banded Broadbill, Grey Wagtail, Javan Cuckooshrike, Sunda Minivet, Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike, Sooty-headed Bulbul, Sunda Bulbul, Lesser Shortwing, Javan Whistling Thrush, Crescent-chested Babbler, Horsfield’s Babbler, Sunda Bush Warbler, Common Tailorbird, Snowy-browed Flycatcher, Blue Nuthatch, Blood-breasted Flowerpecker, White-flanked Sunbird, Ashy Drongo.

Other Taxa:

Javan Leaf Monkey

Indonesia endemic, Javan Leaf Monkey or Javan Langur