On July 21st 2018 we had a client from the US looking for the main target, the Javan White-eye (Zosterops flavus) that is found only in west & south of Borneo, coastal north of Java and Madura.
Due to the massive hunting and poaching of all kinds of white-eye’s species, the population in the wild is in a crazy decline. Sounds like critically endangered.
Khaleb Yordan told us that the last time he saw this endemic white-eye in western of Java was 2 years ago. Yesterday was a reunion for him, also lifer for Mr. Russell Graham.
We saw more than 6 individuals in the safe area since the people around here are educated well for conservation of wildlife.
We started birding that day after leaving Juanda international airport, Surabaya, East Java. The location is not too far away, it takes about 30 minutes from the airport. At 6.30 am we went to a location called Wonorejo. This is a huge fish-pond and mangrove area.
On the first stop, before the parking area we tried looking at Sunda Coucal. Usually, it’s perched on tree or bushes top for sun-bathing. Sadly, the birds were not shown and we did not hear the sounds.
At least a male Freckle-breasted Woodpecker is perched on a dried branch. We don’t want to miss it.
Then we walk slowly, a clear call of Cerulean Kingfisher attracting us. For sure, a single bird perched in front of us, divided by the river. The kingfisher was perched on a bush near the water surface. Then it flies, responding to the other kingfisher’s calls.
We move to the parking area and prepare our stuff to get inside. But, we have to take time around the Muntingia calabura tree.
3 individuals of Scarlet-headed Flowerpeckers foraging on that tree. Our client pulled up his binocular to add it into his life-list. Bravo! new lifer again.
Satisfied with it, we continued walking to pursue our main target.
Walk for about 500 meters inside through fish-pond and mangrove trees. Then we played the Javan White-eye’s sounds. We heard the response at a mangrove tree that was full of Cave Swiftlet. This was also new for him.
We approached the tree and found the object. Voila! our ears were correct, four individuals gleaning its prey below the mangrove’s leaves at the middle canopy.
Hang out and enjoy the birds also following its movement while watching other species until our clients are satisfied.
At 8.30 am we moved out to warung (small canteen) near the parking area. After taking a break for a while we continued again to other directions. But the number of birds was low and no new birds were added to the list. So we ended the trip and started driving to the airport.
- 6+ individuals Javan White-eye (Zosterops flavus)
- A male Freckle-breasted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos analis)
- 5 individuals Cerulean Kingfisher (Alcedo coerulescens)
- A pair and 1 immature male Scralet-headed Flowerpecker (Dicaeum trochileum)
- Single adult Javan Tailorbird / Olive-backed Tailorbird (Orthotomus sepium)
Other birds are included such as:
Javan-pond Heron, Purple Heron, Cattle Egret, Little Egret, Striated Heron, Great Egret, White-shouldered Thriller, Spotted Dove, Island-collared Dove, Sacred Kingfisher, Javan Plover, Common Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Whiskered Tern, Little Tern, Gull-billed Tern, Black-winged Stilt, Golden-bellied Gerygone, Little Black Cormorant, Sunda Teal, Racket-tailed Treepie, Cave Swiftlet, Scally-breasted Munia, Eurasian Tree Sparrow.
Other Taxa:
Javan Mongoose