We have a successful four day birding tour in East Java, starting from 10 – 13 August 2019 for Germany clients. Three birding locations were visited, such as Bromo Tengger Semeru NP, around Probolinggo and Baluran NP.
114 bird species managed to collect in the tour list.
On the first day, we met up in Juanda international airport of Surabaya, East Java. The flight was delayed, so around 6.00 pm I started driving to the accommodation near the Bromo Tengger Semeru NP. So, the night just for rest and overnight.
Then, on the second day we started at very early morning, 04.00 am. The client has a special request to see the sunrise with the landscape of Bromo, Batok, Semeru and other mountains.
This is a famous location for a typical visitor in this national park.
Arriving at the sunrise view point at 5.15 am, we still get the first light of the day. Luckily, the weather was so bright and clear.
Spent for half an hour, then we had breakfast and coffee time at a small canteen around the viewpoint.
After that, we drove to the sand sea below the view point. Stop by to explore the birds around.
Our next stop is Ranu Pani village. We have to change the vehicle from a Jeep into an MPV car in that village.
Nothing left in the first vehicle, then we drove down in lower altitude step by step while looking for birds.
In the afternoon we have to transfer to the next accommodation in Lumajang, East Java.
Check in and dinner at the restaurant of the hotel, finished at 7.30 pm. Then we went to our rooms overnight.
We had a long drive on the third day.
After breakfast, we started driving to the next birding location in Probolinggo.
Arrived at 9.15 am, then we birded in a lowland area where the habitat is mangrove and estuary.
At 11.15 am continue driving to the last birding location in Baluran NP. Stop by the restaurant for lunch.
We still have a time when we arrive in Baluran, so we enter the forest and birded until dusk.
Same as the second day, dinner provided by the accommodation. Eat dinner, then go to bed.
On the last day, we started at 5.00 am and entered Baluran NP.
First stop was the monsoon forest before Bekol grassland-like-savannah when the birds perched, singing and drying up for the first light.
While enjoying the birds passing by from where we stopped, coffee and tea were served to our clients and team.
Then at 8.00 am changed the location to Bekol savanna and birding trek in Bama beach.
AT 11.00 am the birds were low activity, so we broke for lunch at the canteen after Bama beach.
Start birded at 1.00 pm in Bekol savanna until 3.30 pm.
The tour ended when we dropped off the clients in their accommodation inside Bali Barat NP, Bali.
During the birding tours, we nailed 114 birds species with the highlight:
1. Blood-breasted Flowerpecker
2. Grey-and-buff Woodpecker
3. Javan White-eye
4. Grey-backed Starling
5. Green Peafowl
6. Green Junglefowl

Other birds included:
7. Chestnut-bellied Partridge
8. Domestic Pigeon
9. Island/Sunda Collared Dove
10. Spotted Dove
11. Barred Cuckoo Dove
12. Zebra Dove
13. Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
14. Asian Emerald Dove
15. Green Imperial Pigeon
16. Dark-backed Imperial Pigeon
17. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha
18. Sunda Cuckoo
19. Plaintive Cuckoo
20. Javan Coucal
21. Grey-rumped Treeswift
22. Linchi Swiftlet
23. Brown-backed Needletail
24. Savanna Nightjar
25. Javan Plover
26. Common Sandpiper
27. Small Buttonquail
28. Barred Buttonquail
29. Great Crested Tern
30. Cattle Egret
31. Intermediate Egret
32. Little Egret
33. Javan Pond Heron
34. Striated Heron
35. Crested Serpent Eagle
36. Spotted Wood Owl
37. Orange-breasted Trogon
38. Oriental Pied Hornbill
39. Black-banded Barbet
40. Flame-fronted Barbet
41. Blue-eared Barbet
42. Javan Flameback
43. Common Flameback
44. Checker-throated Yellownape
45. Wood-bellied Woodpecker
46. Sunda Pygmy-woodpecker
47. Freckle-breasted Woodpecker
48. Javan Kingfisher
49. Collared Kingfisher
50. Rufous-backed Dwarf-kingfisher
51. Cerulean Kingfisher
52. Red-breasted Parakeet
53. Javan Hanging Parrot
54. Banded Broadbill
55. Javan Banded Pitta
56. Black-naped Oriole
57. Tenggara Whistler
58. Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike
59. Common Iora
60. Sunda Cuckooshrike
61. Pied Triller
62. Scarlet Minivet
63. Sunda Minivet
64. Small Minivet
65. White-bellied Fantail
66. Sunda Pied Fantail
67. Black Drongo
68. Ashy Drongo
69. Javan Spangled Drongo
70. Black-naped Monarch
71. Long-tailed Shrike
72. Racket-tailed Treepie
73. Sunda Crow
74. Cinereous Tit
75. Barn Swallow
76. Daurian Swallow
77. Sooty-headed Bulbul
78. Sunda Yellow-vented Bulbul
79. Olive-winged Bulbul
80. Ruby-throated Bulbul
81. Javan Bulbul
82. Chestnut-capped Babbler
83. Javan Tit-babbler
84. Crescent-chested Babbler
85. Horsfield’s Wren Babbler
86. Javan Heleia
87. Moutain Leaf Warbler
88. Sunda Warbler
89. Bamboo Bush Warbler
90. Sunda Bush Warbler
91. Mountain Leaftoiler
92. Pygmy Cupwing
93. Sunda Grasshopper Warbler
94. Common Tailorbird
95. Javan Tailorbird
96. Yellow-bellied Prinia
97. Plain Prinia
98. Zitting Cisticola
99. Blue Nuthatch
100. Short-tailde Starling
101. Black-winged Myna
102. Horsfield’s Thrush
103. Island Thrush
104. Indigo-warbling Flycatcher
105. Lesser Shortwing
106. Little Pied Flycatcher
107. Pied Buschat
108. Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker
109. Ornate Sunbird
110. Scaly-breasted Munia
111. Javan Munia
112. Java Sparrow
113. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
114. Paddyfield Pipit
Other Taxa:
1. Long-tailed Macaque
2. Javan Mongoose
3. Javan Langur / Leaf-monkey
4. Timor Deer
5. Water Buffalo
6. Banteng