Dari kebun tebu, hingga lereng Semeru, dua hari pengamatan yang seru !

Anda mungkin familiar dengan burung kutilang, perkutut atau murai, tapi pernahkan anda mendengar burung tepus gelagah (Timalia pileata) Seperti namanya burung ini sering dijumpai pada rerumputan tinggi. Tentu akan sulit menemukannya di pekarangan rumah anda, kecuali rumah anda berada di tengah sawah. Dewasa ini tepus gelagah cukup sukar ditemui, berdasarkan laporan perjumpaan di Burungnesia, hanya ada sekitar 31 cheklist, miris! Anda mungkin sudah menduga alasannya. Burung ini akan lebih mudah dijumpai di pasar burung, ketimbang di pekarangan anda (kalau betul rumah anda di tengah sawah), kita patut mencurigai lengketnya pulut dan jaring para tukang pikat, karena dari sanalah kisah kepunahan lokal banyak burung dimulai. Atau jangan-jangan anda salah satu dari mereka. Jika iya saya tak yakin anda akan membaca kelanjutan tulisan ini.

Sekitar sepekan lalu, tim Birdpacker mendapatkan informasi keberadaan tepus gelagah dari seorang fotografer Wildlife, yang akrab disapa dengan Djihadi Nopoto. “Lokasinya tak jauh dari rumah, saya biasa ke sana jalan kaki, Pak Nasis” begitu tutur beliau kepada Pak Bos, sekaligus sambutan setibanya kami di rumah beliau. Tempat tersebut memakan waktu sekitar satu setengah jam perjalanan darat dari markas Birdpacker.

Bersama Abah Djihadi, kami tancap gas menuju persembunyian si tepus, kami tak ingin narasi ini panjang-panjang, jadi sebut saja kebun tebu, untuk mewakili hunian burung itu. Feeling kami cukup bagus kala itu, cuaca mendukung dan kicauan merdu burung-burung mengiringi langkah kami. Berselang setengah jam, belum ada tanda-tanda kehadiran burung yang jadi target. Untungnya komandan Swiss melakukan ritual pemanggilan andalannya, serangkaian mantra yang digelontorkan ternyata membuahkan hasil !.

“Cukrik… krikk, tulikuk… tulikluk” seolah tanpa aba-aba, pandangan kami tertuju ke sumber suara. “Nah disana Pak” salah seorang dari kami menyahut. Kami sepakat untuk mengendap-endap dan menggerebek si target. Pucuk dicinta tepus pun tiba, kabar baiknya sepasang burung tepus tengah berseliweran di antara kami. Rentetan jepretan shutter yang tanpa ampun dari abah, seolah menggambarkan kebahagiaan kami yang tak terbendung.  Tepus gelagah bukan burung murahan alias jaim, sehingga barang tentu bukan foto burung yang kami dapat melainkan tunggak kayu bekas pijakan kakinya. Sungguh burung yang lincah!

Waktu menunjukkan pukul 12.20 WIB. Setelah jepretan foto dirasa cukup, Revan content creator kami, memberi kode dengan perutnya yang nyaring, “lapar, Pak?” tanya si bos. Wajar saja, mungkin itu imbas karena perut belum terisi suatu apapun hingga lewat jam makan siang, karena kami harus berangkat pagi-pagi buta. Abah seolah tau dengan gelagat kami yang lapar, “ada warung pecel wenak tepi jalan, hayuk kesana, mas!” usul beliau. kami mengiyakan usul abah tanpa banyak tanya. Warung pecel kami datang!

Jika kalian mengira perjalanan kami berakhir di warung pecel, anda keliru. Bapak-bapak (eh bukan, om-om deh), dengan dua motor gedenya menemui kami di warung sebelah jalan raya itu, sesaat sebelum nasi di piring kami habis. Om Ryan mengundang kami untuk pengamatan ke lereng Gunung Semeru. Om Ryan dan rekannya, om Dedi baru saja dipindah tugaskan di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru,  Sehingga sudah semestinya melakukan eksplorasi daerah tersebut untuk mengetahui batas-batas wilayah kerjanya. kisah pun berlanjut…

Dari Turen Kami menempuh setidaknya dua setengah jam untuk sampai lokasi, berbeda dari statement Google map yang bilang kalau cuma 1,2 jam. Durasi itu mungkin tak memperhitungkan curamnya jalan yang kami lewati, belum lagi jalan makadam, hingga ungkapan ‘jalan’ kurang sesuai untuk menggambarkan kondisinya. Apalagi untuk mobil pribadi milik abah, kebetulan beliau berbaik hati dan mempersilahkan kami untuk nebeng di mobilnya.  Kami bercerita banyak selama di Mobil, Abah yang mendominasi obrolan dengan melempar belasan, atau mungkin puluhan pertanyaan pada kami terkait dunia  perkunaman (istilah perburungan di Malang). Oki, verifikator Burungnesia yang baru, tertidur dengan pulasnya selama perjalanan, seakan tak menggubris goncangan demi gonjangan akibat jalur yang rusak. “Remek, emang nih anak!” umpat si bos geram.

Setibanya di lokasi pukul 14.21 WIB, kami disambut dengan kabut tebal nan dingin menambah kesan tingginya tempat kami berdiri. Tak berselang lama, hujan pun tiba. Kami berteduh di sebuah kantin, anda mungkin heran kenapa ada kantin di lereng Semeru di ketinggian 1.400 mdpl? Mepet hutan lagi? Candi Jawar adalah nama lokasi tersebut. Bangunan peribadatan dari beberapa agama ada disana. Gazebo, kabin dan kantin dimana kami ngopi untuk menunggu hujan reda. Dua atau tiga seruputan kopi berlalu, tak terasa setiap gelas dari kami sudah mendekati habis, hujan memberi kami kesempatan untuk birding. Burung berkicau dari balik pepohonan, seolah mengiringi hujan yang mereda. Beberapa jenis burung teramati dari balik binokuler, sikatan ninon, opior jawa, hingga sikep madu asia, berhasil kami tambahkan dalam catatan. Setelah mondar-mandir mengitari area candi. Suasana mulai sepi, malam pun datang. pengamatan hari itu diakhiri dengan beristirahat di kabin yang disediakan oleh pengelola. Sungguh beruntung, apalagi jika kalian kurang persiapan.

Pagi sekali pengamatan pun dimulai, pengamatan berlangsung khidmat, apalagi sokongan makanan dari kantin yang menambah semangat. Burung yang berhasil kita amati cukup banyak. Hutan yang masih asri, meskipun sebagian lokasinya sudah menjadi ladang garapan adalah habitat yang ideal untuk semua kalangan burung (kecuali burung pantai, tentu saja). Kelimpahan burung disini terbukti dari deretan foto dan catatan yang dihasilkan. Beberapa burung yang tercatat diantaranya adalah :

Burung-madu gunung (Aethopyga eximia)
Cabai Gunung (Dicaeum sanguinolentum)
  • Bentet kelabu
  • Bondol Jawa
  • Brinji gunung
  • Bubut besar
  • Burung madu gunung
  • Burung madu ornate
  • Cabai gunung
  • Cabai jawa
  • Caladi ulam
  • Cekakak jawa
  • Cekakak sungai
  • Ceret jawa
  • Cici padi
  • Cinenen jawa
  • Cinenen pisang
  • Cingcoang coklat
  • Cipoh kacat
  • Ciung batu siul
  • Elang hitam
  • Kepudang sungu gunung
  • Kutilang
  • Madu kelapa
  • Opior jawa
  • Pentis pelangi
  • Perenjak padi,
  • Perenjak rawa
  • Perkutut
  • Sepah kecil
  • Sikatan ninon
  • Sikep madu asia
  • Takur tohtor
  • Tekukur biasa
  • Uncal buau
  • Walet linchi
  • Wiwik sp.

Tak terasa sudah setengah hari berlalu, Pak Hermawan, sopir pribadi abah mengusulkan untuk turun, sebelum hujan mendahului. Kami tak bisa membayangkan jalan yang sulit tadi, ditempuh dalam kondisi hujan. kami sepakat untuk mengakhiri sesi pengamatan dengan totalan pada si empunya kantin Candi Jawar. Sekaligus berterima kasih atas fasilitas yang disuguhkan. Lokasinya sangat recommended, apalagi untuk pengamatan bareng keluarga, juga tetap ingat sang maha kuasa. Kami cukupkan kisah kali ini, jangan lupa nantikan edisi harian Birdpacker selanjutnya,

Adios Amigos !

scribe by : Oki Rahmatirta and Swiss Winasis | @Birdpacker

photo by : Swiss Winasis | @Birdpacker

Trip Report 4 Days Birding tours in Jogja and Banyuwangi

During 24, 30, 31 December 2022 and 01 January 2023 we have clients from Vietnam who want to birding in Jogja and Banyuwangi.

Yogyakarta or Jogja

Our first birding tour was in Yogyakarta or simply called Jogja.

We went to Gunung Merapi National Park to kick off the tour. Due to the activity of Merapi volcano we visited

Turgo hills, one of the prime birding locations around the national park that is still in the safe zone.

Start at around 6.00 AM in the parking area. The weather was shower rain and cloudy but we encountered some brilliant birds such as: Blood-breasted Flowerpecker, Freckle-breasted Woodpecker, Olive-backed Tailorbird, Scarlet Minivet, Yellow-breasted Hanging Parrot fly over us, including two rare birds are Sangkar White-eye and Javan Leafbird.

Then we moved to the lower section of the hills, where we could see lava lane and Merapi volcano. Even though the weather is cloudy, the views of the volcano are so clear. Our clients enjoyed it!

Here we found Sooty-headed Bulbul, Crested Serpent-eagle, Ashy Drongo, Orange-spotted Bulbul and spectacular views of an endemic Black-banded Barbet.

Our plan was just birding around the lower section. We attempted to hike some but the birding was slow and quiet. After discussion we decided to move to the next location.

We arrived in Jatimulyo village at around 11.00 AM, and soon we transferred to the hide/blind of Oriental-dwarf Kingfisher. The kingfisher came in just a few minutes and in very close distance. After enjoying the kingfisher we had our lunch in Kopi Sulingan.

Our lunch is Javanese traditional food called “Nasi Tumpeng”, the clients are so happy with that. Following the lunch we serve local bird-friendly coffee from the village. Enjoyed our coffee while Orange-bellied Flowerpecker, Little Spiderhunter, Olive-backed/Ornate Sunbird, and the brilliant endemic Javan Sunbird came to the garden.

After that we continued afternoon birding around the village. We went to another bird-hide. Same as the previous hide, we did not wait longer to see Horsfield’s Babbler, Rufous-browed Babbler and the critically endangered endemic Javan Blue-flycatcher.

We were lucky with the afternoon weather, continued our walk around the village and packed several birds into our list including: Oriental Honey-buzzard, Black-naped Monarch, Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker, Ruby-throated Bulbul.


We had 3 days in Banyuwangi, East Java on 30, 31 December 2022 and 01 January 2023.

On the first day our client planned to hike Ijen crater to see Blue Fire and the views up the volcano. We started in the morning at 01.40 AM and shortly we arrived at the blue fire spot at 04.50 AM.

Enjoy the views then we start climbing down the volcano while birding. We packed several special birds such as Sunda Grasshopper Warbler, Aberrant Bush Warbler, Orange-spotted Bulbul, Javan Grey-throated White-eye, Mountain White-eye, Olive-backed Tailorbird, Mugimaki Flycatcher, and Crescent-chested Babbler.

We moved to a grassland area and added Striated Grassbird into our list. At lunch time we got an open view of Javan Kingfisher.

After lunch, we transferred our clients to the hotel for rest.

On the second day, we visited Alas Purwo National Park at the southern-east of the island. Start birding at 06.00 AM while enjoying morning coffee. We just saw a Yellow-throated Hanging-parrot fly over us. Soon we moved to Sadengan grassland. Around the parking area we saw Green Peafowl, Slender-billed Crow, Red-billed Malkoha.

There are plenty of Banteng (Bos javanicus) grazing in the grassland and several birds such as Lesser Adjutant, Asian Woollyneck, Javan Myna, Collared Kingfisher and Cattle Egret.

Then we walked to a birding track. Lots of fallen tree branches and twigs, possibly there was a storm the previous day. Birding was slow, added Ruby-throated Bulbul, Mangrove Whistler and Great Slaty Woodpecker to the list.

Move to Pancur beach for lunch in a food stall. We got Green Imperial Pigeon and clear views of Wreathed Hornbill foraging in palm trees near the stall. We took about 45 minutes to enjoy and photograph the hornbill.

We went back to the grassland then it rained. After the rains stop we want to try to get better views and some photographs of the woodpecker in the birding trek. We stopped for a while when Javan Broadbill responded to our playback.

We failed to photograph the woodpecker but at least one of our clients saw it clearly. Continue our drive to the hotel for rest.

Our last day in Banyuwangi was so challenging. Birding in Baluran National Park when so many tourists came to celebrate a new year in grassland like savannah Bekol and Bama beach.

Luckily, our guide had some birding locations where other tourists did not enter the area.

We spent the morning started at 05.30 AM and packed several birds to the list such as: Javan Cuckooshrike, Green Junglefowl, Short-tailed Starling, Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker, Ruddy Cuckoo-dove, Chestnut-headed Bee-eater, Collared Kingfisher, Red-breasted Parakeet, Black-naped Monarch, Long-tailed Shrike before the crowds come.

Then we had an early lunch in a food stall near the Bama beach.

After lunch we did not enter the birding trek due the crowds. Decided to take a nap in the ranger office and wait for the afternoon section.

There is a small swamp outside the national park around paddy fields and fish ponds. We went there for our last afternoon birding.

Our target was Cerulean Kingfisher, but after trying to find one we failed to get one. From here we listed Javan Pond-heron, Yellow-bellied Prinia, Scaly-breasted Munia, and Common Moorhen on the nest.

When we drove back to the hotel in Banyuwangi, we stopped for a while to photograph the Rock Pigeon race in the paddy fields.

Transferred our clients to their hotel in Banyuwangi and the birding tours ended.

During the 4 days birding tours in Jogja and Banyuwangi we collected 84 birds including other wildlife, here is the list in below:

  • Green Peafowl
  • Green Junglefowl
  • Rock Dove
  • Eastern Spotted Dove
  • Ruddy Cuckoo-dove
  • Zebra Dove
  • Green Imperial-pigeon
  • Grey-rumped Treeswift
  • Cave Swiftlet
  • Red-billed Malkoha
  • Common Moorhen
  • Lesser Adjutant
  • Asian Woollyneck
  • Javan Pond-heron
  • Cattle Egret
  • Purple Heron
  • Oriental Honey-buzzard
  • Crested Serpent-eagle
  • Oriental Pied Hornbill
  • Wreathed Hornbill
  • Chestnut-headed Bee-eater
  • Oriental Dwarf-kingfisher
  • Javan Kingfisher
  • Collared Kingfisher
  • Black-banded Barbet
  • Great Slaty Woodpecker
  • Freckle-breasted Woodpecker
  • Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker
  • Yellow-throated Hanging-parrot
  • Red-breasted Parakeet
  • Javan Broadbill
  • Mangrove Whistler
  • Small Minivet
  • Scarlet Minivet
  • Javan Cuckooshrike
  • Pied Triller
  • White-breasted Woodswallow
  • Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike
  • Common Iora
  • Sunda Pied Fantail
  • Black Drongo
  • Ashy Drongo
  • Black-naped Monarch
  • Long-tailed Shrike
  • Slender-billed Crow
  • Cinereous Tit
  • Zitting Cisticola
  • Yellow-bellied Prinia
  • Common Tailorbird
  • Olive-backed Tailorbird
  • Sunda Grasshopper-warbler
  • Striated Grassbird
  • Red-rumped Swallow
  • Pacific Swallow
  • Barn Swallow
  • Ruby-throated Bulbul
  • Sooty-headed Bulbul
  • Orange-spotted Bulbul
  • Yellow-vented Bulbul
  • Cream-vented Bulbul
  • Arctic Warbler
  • Aberrant Bush-warbler
  • Javan Grey-throated White-eye
  • Mountain White-eye
  • Sangkar White-eye
  • Crescent-chested Babbler
  • Rufous-browed Babbler
  • Horsfield’s Babbler
  • Javan Myna
  • Short-tailed Starling
  • Asian Brown Flycatcher
  • Mugimaki Flycatcher
  • Javan / Hill Blue-flycatcher
  • Javan Leafbird
  • Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker
  • Blood-breasted Flowerpecker
  • Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
  • Little Spiderhunter
  • Brown-throated Sunbird
  • Olive-backed Sunbird
  • Javan Sunbird
  • Javan Munia
  • Scaly-breasted Munia
  • Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Other wildlife:

  • Banteng
  • Timor Deer
  • Long-tailed Macaque
  • Javan Leaf Monkey

The first photo of the enigma Black-browed Babbler in the wild

Black-browed Babbler (Melacocincla perspicillata) since “lost” for more than 170 years was found again by Muhammad Suranto and Selamet in 2020.

For the past two months, our team led by Panji Gusti A. conducted research in the eastern Meratus Mountains area, South Kalimantan to study the ecological and biological aspects that are very close to unknown.

On the first day of the visit, the team got the first photo in nature, along with a recording of the sound of this enigmatic bird.

The search continues to expand to determine its natural distribution. Hopefully in the next few months there will be important ecological information that can be collected by the team.

This fieldwork was funded by Oriental Bird Club (OBC) and the American Bird Concervancy (ABC). In collaboration with BKSDA Kalimantan Selatan, Dinas Kehutanan Kalimantan Selatan, KPH Cantung.

Stay tune for more interesting news.

Photo by: Panji Gusti A. | @birdpacker

4 Days Birding Trips in Bromo Tengger Semeru NP and around Malang, East Java

We had 4 Days birding trips for a couple clients from France to see Raptors in Malang, East Java.

Starting on 29 June until 02 July 2019, we birded in 4 locations around Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park and Raden Suryo Greater Park Forestry.

On the first day we met up in the airport hotel in Juanda International Airport, Surabaya, East Java at 07:00 am. Then we drove to a hotel in Malang near the national park. Arrived at around 11:00 am in the hotel, checked in and dropped our luggage and kept our birding stuff.

Then we drove for a half hour to the first location in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

The weather was so good in the locations where raptors are usually recorded, but that day is Sunday in one of the popular national parks in Indonesia where so many visitors came to holiday.

We tried to walk and avoid the crowd while keeping our eyes on the sky, searching for any raptors which may fly.

Until afternoon we just managed to see one species of raptor, Changable Hawk-eagle.

Then we went back to the hotel overnight.

On the second day, after we packed our breakfast we started to move to a second location in the same national park.

It takes 3 hours to drive to reach it.

The altitude of the second locations is lower than before, it’s about 100-200 asl surrounded by lowland forest and plantation.

A pair of perched Black-thighed Falconet

We spent the time here until afternoon and the result was much better.

Oriental Honey-buzzard, Black-thighed Falconet, and the endemic Javan Hawk-eagle recorded so well.

Before dark we went back to the same hotel to stay.

A flight adult Oriental Honey-buzzard

On the third day, after breakfast and check out from the hotel, we tried again in the same location as the first day.

We’re back in around 1400 above sea level at the ridge surrounded by the vast rainforest of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. We spent from 07:00 – 11:30 am, the weather was bright and good for raptor.

After waiting for about 2,5 hours, a raptor was soaring on top of the hill quite far from us. An adult Javan Hawk-eagle encountered again.

Not long after, a Black Eagle floated just above us with a distance of about 10 meters.

An adult Javan Hawk-eagle soaring above the forest

After saw the Black Eage then we changed birding location to Raden Suryo Greater Park Forestry, Batu, East Java.

Arrived at 02:30 pm then hung out around twin bridges, a good place to spot Raptor from any direction surrounded by good rain forest.

This location is on the west slope of Mt. Welirang at around 1.200 asl.

A flight Black Eagle

Until almost dark we’re just managed to see Changable Hawk-eagle in this last location.

Then we drove to a hotel around Batu city, East Java.

On the last day we changed the plan to not birding or looking like raptor but just drop off the clients to the airport in Surabaya.

So, during 29 June – 02 July 2019 raptor that we managed to see are:

  • Oriental Honey-buzzard
  • Changable Hawk-eagle
  • Black-thighed Falconet
  • Black Eagle
  • Javan Hawk-eagle.

Good News from Grey-backed Myna in East Java!

In August 2018 HBW.com updated their content, one of them is the Black-winged Myna (Acridotheres melanopterus).

Splitted into three species such as the earlier nominate race, Grey-backed Myna (A. tricolor), and Grey-rumped Myna (A. tertius).

Three of them placed as Critically Endangered by IUCN-redlist, the most problems of declining population is massive hunting and poaching in their wild habitat.

Read: One-day Birding Trips in Baluran National Park

We have good news of Grey-backed Myna this month by encountering their successful breeding in one of the remaining safe areas.

For two days at the end of the rainy season, we get good and clear weather.

This endemic to the eastern part of Java island is known to be nested in February and June in east Java island and there is no more information about the breeding period (hbw.com).

The birds that we encountered used a hole in a dead palm tree, around Baluran NP, East Java on March 15-16, 2019. Height of the nest is about 10 meters away from ground level.

The nest hole is not circular, instead it tends to be rectangular with dimensions of around 8 x 17 cm. Inside the nest hole we saw 2 young birds, those who are ready to fledgling can be seen from their complete feathers.

We observed quite far from the nest.

One of two adult Grey-backed Myna picked cricket for their chicks

Adults are always close to the nest and look for meals for their chicks no more than a 500-meter radius from the nest.

We saw one of the adults pick small insects like a cricket on the ground around the palm trees.

On the last day, the chicks actively looking out around the nest. Respond to the call of their parents.

Read: Easy encounter of Grey-breasted Partridge (Arborophila orientalis) in this site!

According to our predictions, the chicks will leave the nest for the next 3-4 days.

Hopefully, there will be no disruption until they learn to fly and then live independently and the population in nature will continue to increase.

Easy encounter of Grey-breasted Partridge (Arborophila orientalis) on this site!

Almost all endemic birds in Java island can be found in western part of this island. Birders will stay longer to swipe up on them in Gede Pangrango NP, Halimun Salak NP, around Carita and north-coast of Jakarta-West Java.

Even so, still left 2 species to catch up in eastern Java to complete all endemics. There are Grey-backed Myna Acridotheres tricolor and Grey-breasted Partridge Arborophila orientalis.

The myna is relatively easy to find. You can put effort in Baluran or Alas Purwo NP to find it.

The partridge is another exception.

You can hear it sounds loudly, but it is very difficult to see. So damn elusive species.

This species lives from Yang to Ijen mountains. Most birders came to Ijen, which is close to other main birding areas, so much data of this species is even heard-only or sight.

Yesterday (March 13, 2019) I visited Mt. Ijen took some pictures of the partridge.

Local guides at their successful made feeding site for this species that is also known as White-faced / Grey-breasted Hill / Horsfield’s Hill-partridge.

As his information, the birds show up about 3 times such as at around 06.00-07.00, 13.00-14.00, and 15.00-16.00.

Heavy rainfall in the morning until 11.30 then becomes shower rain.

We entered the site at 12.00.

While waiting for the rain to stop, we enjoyed our coffee.

At 13.30 the rain stopped for a while, so we tried to play the sound records.

15 minutes later, a medium sized-bulky bird (about 28 cm) climbed up to a big fallen tree in front of us.

Then followed by 5 other birds, it was a very clear view and just about 8 meters away from us was blocked by a camouflage tent.

5 of 6 Grey-breasted / White-faced Partridge from Mt. Ijen, East Java

A group of Grey-breasted Partridge foraging the meals which we have put before.

We’re just silent while clicking the shutter of the camera.

They spent 10 minutes foraged then disturbed by other birds, such as Javan Whistling-thrush, Horsfied’s Thrush, and Snowy-browed Flycatcher.

The final encounter that day was a single female almost eaten by Javan Mongoose at 16.30. It’s run away then we also pack our stuff, out from the hide and head back to home.

Now this elusive partridge is stable and easy to see, drop us a message if you want to encounter this mega target of East Java endemic.

One-day Birding Trips in Baluran National Park

This was a one-day birding trip that planned suddenly when we were still on a trip to Probolinggo. Our British clients asked to do so in Baluran NP on January 24, 2019.

The trip started at 06.00 am by meeting up at their accommodation next to the national park. We drove into the national park and stop-by for look at the birds. In the morning the weather was bright even though it’s in the rainy season. Baluran is famous for its dryness with yellowish vegetation but on this trip, it all looks green and dense.

As planned we stopped in the middle of the journey to Bekol, where there was a bird perched on a tree. Rushed out of the vehicle then saw binoculars to identify it. The bird is an Orange-breasted Fruit-dove. Then from behind us, there were 3 birds that were the same as the ones we saw at the beginning. Slowly the sounds of the birds around us were heard and one by one began to appear.

Sooty-headed Bulbul, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Island Collared Dove, Long-tailed Shrike, Cave Swiftlet, Common Tailorbird, Black Drongo and Racket-tailed Treepie nailed to identify.

Before the birds get low, we continue to drive in. Not long after, a Green Junglefowl crossed the road in front. We really got a clear view from this striking male. The Green Junglefowl is plenty and easy to find in Baluran, while the Red Junglefowl is less frequent, but we managed to see a male who was scavenging the ground in a roadside bush.

At 08.30 am we arrived in Bekol savanna or at this moment better to mention the Bekol grassland. Not too many visitors around, also birds begin to quiet as the intense sun. We only saw Spotted Dove flying and noisy Common Iora. Slowly head towards Bama beach.

In the middle of the Bekol-Bama road, we stopped to look around. On the north side, there is a dead Gebang tree and there are several holes in the top. Suddenly there was a medium-sized black-and-white bird coming out of the hole. Moments later the object landed on the tree for a long time, we managed to recognize the bird was Grey-backed Myna.

Grey-cheeked Tit-babbler in Baluran NP. It is endemic to Java island.

Our clients were very happy to meet this critically endangered species after encountering the Junglefowl earlier. Satisfied with the Myna, the journey continues until Bama beach.

Before entering the Bama coastal forest, stop in the small canteen for coffee and tea. At 9:30 a.m., I began to walk into the Bama beach forest bird watching trail. Slowly one by one we saw the Oriental-pied Hornbill. Its size is quite large, noisy, in groups making it easy to see at the dense canopy of the Bama beach forest.

Suddenly the dominant red-sized small object flew around us and then landed 300 meters in the bush right after us. When it’s perched, it’s clearly visible through binoculars and scope, birds with long; straight and dagger-like bill; short legs. An Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher, another delightful sighting that day.

Other birds we saw here were Grey-cheeked Tit-Babbler, Green Imperial Pigeon, Cerulean Kingfisher, and Olive-backed Tailorbird.

The sky began to turn into black clouds at 1:00 p.m. With 23 bird species on record we decided to end this trip and rush out of the national park to our clients’ lodging with satisfaction.

Delightful view of pair Oriental-pied Hornbill

2 Days Birding Trips in Probolinggo & Surabaya, East Java

We had clients on the Holland America Noordam cruise ship which arrived in Probolinggo on January 22, 2019 and Surabaya on the next day. They want to take birding trips programmed during the docked ship in those cities.

First location on day one is around the north-west area of Mt. Argopuro. The habitat is agro-forest and stream. We got a problem with the tender that delivered our clients to the lands, and finally started driving very late at 10.00 am. Arrived at 12.00 am then began to look at the birds.

Spent 2 hours here then drove back before 04.00 pm that the ship will leave Probolinggo headed to Surabaya. At least we managed to see the highlight: a pair of Javan Sunbirds foraged in a coffee plantation.

On the next day, we met at the Port of Tanjung Perak in the north of Surabaya at 08.00 am. Then we drove for one hour to get to the Wonorejo mangrove and fishpond area. Due to the rainy season, the track was muddy. We got much time here for 4 hours birding but must walk slowly around the fishpond and mangrove until 01.30 pm. Highlight in here is: plenty of Javan Plover foraged at mudflat next to small canteen.

Birding in Fishpond and Mangrove area of Wonorejo, Surabaya

At 01.30 pm we started to drive back to Surabaya North Quay where the Maasdam ship docked and the two days birding trips in Probolinggo and Surabaya, East Java ended.

Other Included: Cave Swiftlet, Javan Pond Heron, Striated Heron, Little Black Cormorant, Purple Heron, Little Egret, Eastern Cattle Egret, Common Moorhen, Red-necked Stint, Long-toed Stint, Spotted Dove, Collared Kingfisher, Pasific Swallow, Malaysian Pied Fantail, Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker, Scaly-breasted Munia.

Photo groups in Kalianan village, Probolinggo

2 Days with White-capped Munia in Jogja

Get good weather at the beginning of December 2018 which is already in the middle of the rainy season, located in Yogyakarta or simply Jogja for a 2 days birding trip. The location is in the Banaran village, Galur sub-district, Kulonprogo regency, Yogyakarta close to Trisik beach and the Progo River estuary.

I visited paddy-fields that are very large which are dominated by rice plants with a planting age of around 10-50 days on December 1st 2018. There is one bird species I look for, indeed endemic to Java and Bali islands.

Head-shot White capped Munia among young rice plants

It’s small sized passerines (11–12 cm ) with short bill, short rounded wings. Forehead to the nape and face are whitish. Upperparts chestnut, edges of uppertail-coverts and central rectrices reddish to reddish-yellow. Iris dark brown, eyering dark grey; bill light grey; legs grey.

Glimpses like White-headed Munia with the most distinguishing are chin to breast black, flanks broadly rufous extending across lower breast to form rufous band, belly to undertail-coverts black; more rarely, entire underside from chin to vent (including flanks) black.

This species is White-capped Munia (Lonchura ferruginosa), that can only be found in grasslands, wetlands with grasses, reeds and sedges (Cyperaceae), rice fields of Java and Bali islands.

Adult White-capped Munia (Lonchura ferruginosa)

I had a chance to chat with the local farmers, evidently they could distinguish the kind sof Munias around the rice fields of Banaran village. In this area, the birds are easier to see in the rice planted season. It will be more often after rice grains first appeared, about 25 days of planting.

“The birds like starch in young rice grains and grass seeds around the paddy-field. After the harvest season, this bird will disappear and return during the next rice planting season” Said local farmers.

Foraging groups White-capped Munia

On the second day I was still watching this bird, lucky to find that one was carrying a stem of grass that seemed to be used to make a nest. Follow the bird until it disappears in the dense vegetation next to the paddy-field area.

The rice fields in Banaran provide foraging and nesting locations for this species, hopefully it will be sustainable so that many generations can see this endemic.

White-capped Munia carrying stems grass

To see birding in detail around Jogja, please follow this link below or click on the related post on the side bar.

Kingfisher Trip Around Malang, East Java

Finished accompanied by a friend from Hong Kong to photograph Kingfisher around Malang, East Java. During April 26 – 29th 2018 we visited four birding locations.

The main target of this trip is the Indonesian endemic, Cerulean Kingfisher Alcedo coerulescens which can be found in Streams, canals, ponds, swamps, tidal estuaries, mudflats, mangroves, fish ponds, flooded paddyfields; from coast up to 800 m along South Sumatra through Java, Kangean Is and Bali to Lombok and Sumbawa; recorded also on Flores.

On the first day, Kevin and I met at Javan Banded Pitta’s site in Tretes, East Java that was managed by Heru Cahyono (Malang Birding Tours) in the afternoon. Before dark we move to a hotel in Batu city, dinner on the way.

Starting early in the morning we visited Batu Apple Farm to take pictures of Javan Kingfisher until 8.00 am. We have to hurry to reach the main target location on the south coast of Malang.

Javan Kingfisher with prey in Batu city, East Java

After lunch we arrived, then put up camouflage-tent around the fish-pond which is our favorite perch for.

About 30 minutes later, Cerulean Kingfsiher perch in 8 meter ahead. Along the afternoon the shutter was not stop clicking.

On the last day, we only have time until lunch time for the last target in the estuary area of south Malang. Ruddy Kingfisher.

The main target Cerulean Kingfisher with prey

Ruddy Kingfisher Halcyon coromanda has widespread distribution, from NE China through Sulawesi island.

In Java (H.c. minor) this species has a few records, seems rare to find. In Kondang Merak, south Malang has many records compared to other locations in Java island but still challenging. The race minor is very small than the other, much darker, washed with violet, large silvery rump patch.

Quickly we waited in the location which usually this bird encountered. We were disturbed by the passing of other visitors, several of them curious with us. Until really quiet at around 10.30 am the Ruddy Kingfisher appeared.

Ruddy Kingfisher from south Malang, East Java

Kevin took many shots, he even had time to change lenses because the birds perch to close about 3 meters away.

2 hours stayed in front of the tent, until Kevin was satisfied, then we had a long drive to his hotel in Surabaya before he took off back to Hong Kong the next day.

Satisfied after got the main target