Trip Report of 3 Days Birding in Sumba, October 2018

First birding trip in Sumba island for clients from Lombok has gone smoothly. During October 7-9, 2018 we birded in two locations Billa and Lewa (part of Manupeu-Tanadaru-Laiwangi-Wanggameti or simply Matalawa NP).

One of two Citron-crested Cockatoo from Billa

Birding in the peak of the dried season is another challenge. After landing in Umbu Mehang Kunda airport then transferred to Billa for 5 drive hours. Stop by 2 hours before arriving for a short afternoon birding along the roadside of Lailara. There were 10 fruiting calabur trees Muntingia calabura that were often visited by Sumba Flowerpecker.

The remaining 2 hours before arriving in Billa was a bumpy road, wisely we used four-wheel-drive. It was also useful for exploring the birds inside the park.

Quickly when arrived, then birded at night looking for the owl. Until 9 pm we just hear the songs of Little Sumba Hawk-owl and Greater Sumba Boobook. Decided to take a rest in the ranger office. In Billa there are only 2 options for staying, camping inside the park and living with the rangers in the huge office building.

Male Sumba Flowerpecker enjoyed fruit of Calabur tree

After breakfast we entered the clearing area in Billa. It was good when the birds started actively singing while sun-bathing. Then quickly follow the dried river. At midday we went back to the office for lunch, before entering the park once again we saw Short-toed Serpent-eagle perched at top of Kapok tree’s next to the office.

From afternoon until 9 pm continue birding in Billa to get another chance that we missed before. We birded along a dried river with small pools, and at night finally encountered Little Sumba Hawk-owl and a short view of Greater Sumba Boobook.

Male Sumba Hornbill encountered near its hole nest

We have half a day to birding in Billa on 9 October before we move to Lewa. In the morning the weather was good as the day before. Starting at the entrance gate, we found a fruit tree which 10 bird species foraged. Some species that we missed yesterday nailed at that spot.

The last half day was spent in Lewa for owling. We just visited two locations here, Langgaliru forest and road-side-forest near the ranger office. Starting before dark until 9 pm, we nailed to see two endemic Booboks.

One of three nightbirds which good captured, Little Sumba Hawk-owl

Then, here our highlights of the trip:

  • Little Sumba Hawk-owl (Ninox sumbaensis) – A single close view in Billa and a pair perched on a canopy at Lewa.
  • Sumba Hornbill (Rhyticeros everetti) – A male perched on a tree near its nest hole.
  • Sumba Flowerpecker (Dicaeum wilhelminae) – Two pairs foraging on roadside 2 hours before Billa.
  • Citron-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata) – In the afternoon we saw 2 perched and singing loudly in Billa.
  • Sumba Brown Flycatcher (Muscicapa segregata) – Single birds perched on top canopy in Billa.
  • Greater Sumba Boobook (Ninox rudolfi) – Three individuals calling each other on the road-side of Lewa.
  • Red-naped Fruit-dove (Ptilinopus dohertyi) – Single bird posed nicely in Billa.
  • Sumba Jungle-flycatcher (Cyornis stresemanni) – 1-2 birds at entrance gate Billa.
  • Apricot-breasted Sunbird (Cinnyris buettikoferi) – Male and female foraged near entrance gate Billa.
  • Sumba Green Pigeon (Treron teysmannii) – Pair flight above clearing area in Billa and 1 perched on top tree at Lailara.
  • Sumba Flycatcher (Ficedula harterti) – Single bird jump into the bushes at dried river, Billa

Other included: Cinnamon-banded Kingfisher, Chestnut-backed Thrush, Pale-shouldered Cicadabird, Tenggara Swiftlet, Short-toed Snake Eagle, Marigold Lorikeet, Red-cheeked Parrot, Great-billed Parrot, Spotted Kestrel, Orange-footed Scrubfowl, Common Emerald Dove, Black-naped Fruitdove, Green Imperial Pigeon, Eclectus Parrot, Mee’s Nightjar, Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher, Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher, Spectacled Monarch, Arafura Fantail, Yellow-ringed White-eye, Ashy-bellied White-eye, Indonesian Honeyeater, Helmeted Friarbird, Five-colored Munia, Short-tailed Starling, Wallacean Drongo, Slender-billed Crow, Rusty-breasted Whistler, Broad-billed Flycatcher, Green Junglefowl.


Bima, Sumbawa Island

Birding in part of Lesser Sunda archipelago that many people, even Indonesian, are still confused with Sumbawa and Sumba, it’s a totally different island!. It lies adjacent to Lombok and west-north of Sumba. Bima is the eastern part of Sumbawa island.

Duration to birding: 3-4 Days.

There are three birding spots to clean up bird list on the Bima area:

1. Madapangga Nature Reserve

TWA Madapangga is located in the west of Bima city with a distance of about 45 Km or takes about 1 hour drive by car. The area of 232 Hectares is administratively in the village of Ndano, Bolo sub-district, Bima district, West Nusa Tenggara Province.

This nature park is a source of water for the dryness of the surrounding area. Residents around the area are very dependent on the river and its springs. In the morning and evening could meet with residents who bathe or wash clothes in the river that is located exactly on the road which connects Bima with Sumbawa city. The topography of this location is generally hilly with a slope of 15 – 40 degrees, only a small part is a relatively flat area with varying heights from 200 to 600 m above sea level.

Birding spots are relatively easy to reach, such as following the loop-track of the camping ground, around the river, and garden of the pool. We tried all those spots while we were there. Elegant Pitta, White-rumped Kingfisher, and Flame-breasted Sunbird are the icons for the area.

2. Degradated forest around Kaowa village

Kaowa, Lambitu, Bima, Sumbawa island

Flores Hawk-eagle often recorded here. Lambitu sub-district 2 hours heading to the east of central Bima city. In this hilly village is widely used as a garden or farm area by residents with the rest of the monsoon forest on each hilltop. Birding spots are located around the village water springs and the edge of forests after farm areas close enough to residents’ houses.

3. Sape

Located at eastern-coast of Bima city, take to 1 hours and 30 minutes (50 Km) drive time from city center. The habitat for looking birds in Sape is around river with dense vegetation. Perfect for looking at Nusa Tenggara Paradise Flycatcher. Also around coastline for waterbirds.

Transportation and Accomodation

Birding will be easy especially to reach the birding spot in Bima by hiring a car that is available in Bima city. We recommend staying in Hotel around in Bima city since the birding spot is not far enough.

No.English NameScientific Name
1.Orange-footed ScrubfowlMegapodius reinwardt
2.Asian Blue QuailSynoicus chinensis
3.Red JunglefowlGallus gallus
4.Green JunglefowlGallus varius
5.Wandering Whistling-duckDendrocygna arcuata
6.Lesser Whistling-duckDendrocygna javanica
7.Pacific Black DuckAnas superciliosa
8.Sunda TealAnas gibberifrons
9.Little GrebeTachybaptus ruficollis
10.Sunda Collared-doveStreptopelia bitorquata
11.Metallic PigeonColumba vitiensis
12.Eastern Spotted DoveSpilopelia chinensis
13.Ruddy Cuckoo-doveMacropygia emiliana
14.Little Cuckoo-doveMacropygia ruficeps
15.Barred DoveGeopelia maugeus
16.Nicobar PigeonCaloenas nicobarica
17.Grey-capped Emerald DoveChalcophaps indica
18.Pink-necked Green-pigeonTreron vernans
19.Flores Green-pigeonTreron floris
20.Green Imperial-pigeonDucula aenea
21.Dark-backed Imperial-pigeonDucula lacernulata
22.Black-naped Fruit-dovePtilinopus melanospilus
23.Black-backed Fruit-dovePtilinopus cinctus
24.Large-tailed NightjarCaprimulgus macrurus
25.Savanna NightjarCaprimulgus affinis
26.Glossy SwiftletCollocalia esculenta
27.Edible-nest SwiftletAerodramus fuciphagus
28.Pacific SwiftApus pacificus
29.Lesser CoucalCentropus bengalensis
30.Western KoelEudynamys scolopaceus
31.Horsfield’s Bronze-cuckooChalcites basalis
32.Shining Bronze-cuckooChalcites lucidus
33.Brush CuckooCacomantis variolosus
34.Large Hawk-cuckooHierococcyx sparverioides
35.Oriental CuckooCuculus saturatus
36.Sunda CuckooCuculus lepidus
37.Red-legged CrakeRallina fasciata
38.White-breasted WaterhenAmaurornis phoenicurus
39.White-browed CrakeAmaurornis cinerea
40.WatercockGallicrex cinerea
41.Purple SwamphenPorphyrio porphyrio
42.Common MoorhenGallinula chloropus
43.Dusky MoorhenGallinula tenebrosa
44.Asian WoollyneckCiconia episcopus
45.Royal SpoonbillPlatalea regia
46.Yellow BitternIxobrychus sinensis
47.Cinnamon BitternIxobrychus cinnamomeus
48.Black-crowned Night-heronNycticorax nycticorax
49.Rufous Night-heronNycticorax caledonicus
50.Green-backed HeronButorides striata
51.Javan Pond-heronArdeola speciosa
52.Cattle EgretBubulcus ibis
53.Great-billed HeronArdea sumatrana
54.Purple HeronArdea purpurea
55.Great White EgretArdea alba
56.Intermediate EgretArdea intermedia
57.Little EgretEgretta garzetta
58.Pacific Reef-egretEgretta sacra
59.Australian PelicanPelecanus conspicillatus
60.Lesser FrigatebirdFregata ariel
61.Great FrigatebirdFregata minor
62.Red-footed BoobySula sula
63.Brown BoobySula leucogaster
64.Masked BoobySula dactylatra
65.Little Pied CormorantMicrocarbo melanoleucos
66.Oriental DarterAnhinga melanogaster
67.Beach Thick-kneeEsacus magnirostris
68.Black-winged StiltHimantopus himantopus
69.Grey PloverPluvialis squatarola
70.Pacific Golden PloverPluvialis fulva
71.Little Ringed PloverCharadrius dubius
72.Kentish PloverCharadrius alexandrinus
73.Javan PloverCharadrius javanicus
74.Malay PloverCharadrius peronii
75.Lesser SandploverCharadrius mongolus
76.Greater SandploverCharadrius leschenaultii
77.Greater Painted-snipeRostratula benghalensis
78.Comb-crested JacanaIrediparra gallinacea
79.WhimbrelNumenius phaeopus
80.Bar-tailed GodwitLimosa lapponica
81.Black-tailed GodwitLimosa limosa
82.Ruddy TurnstoneArenaria interpres
83.Great KnotCalidris tenuirostris
84.Broad-billed SandpiperCalidris falcinellus
85.Curlew SandpiperCalidris ferruginea
86.Long-toed StintCalidris subminuta
87.Red-necked StintCalidris ruficollis
88.SanderlingCalidris alba
89.Asian DowitcherLimnodromus semipalmatus
90.Pintail SnipeGallinago stenura
91.Swinhoe’s SnipeGallinago megala
92.Terek SandpiperXenus cinereus
93.Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucos
94.Grey-tailed TattlerTringa brevipes
95.Common GreenshankTringa nebularia
96.Common RedshankTringa totanus
97.Wood SandpiperTringa glareola
98.Marsh SandpiperTringa stagnatilis
99.Red-backed ButtonquailTurnix maculosus
100.Australian PratincoleStiltia isabella
101.Brown NoddyAnous stolidus
102.Sooty TernOnychoprion fuscatus
103.Bridled TernOnychoprion anaethetus
104.Little TernSternula albifrons
105.Common Gull-billed TernGelochelidon nilotica
106.Whiskered TernChlidonias hybrida
107.White-winged TernChlidonias leucopterus
108.Roseate TernSterna dougallii
109.Black-naped TernSterna sumatrana
110.Common TernSterna hirundo
111.Lesser Crested TernThalasseus bengalensis
112.Greater Crested TernThalasseus bergii
113.Northern BoobookNinox japonica
114.Wallace’s Scops-owlOtus silvicola
115.Moluccan Scops-owlOtus magicus
116.OspreyPandion haliaetus
117.Black-winged KiteElanus caeruleus
118.Oriental Honey-buzzardPernis ptilorhynchus
119.Pacific BazaAviceda subcristata
120.Short-toed Snake-eagleCircaetus gallicus
121.Flores Hawk-eagleNisaetus floris
122.Rufous-bellied EagleLophotriorchis kienerii
123.Bonelli’s EagleAquila fasciata
124.Chinese SparrowhawkAccipiter soloensis
125.Lesser Sundas GoshawkAccipiter sylvestris
126.Brown GoshawkAccipiter fasciatus
127.Japanese SparrowhawkAccipiter gularis
128.White-bellied Sea-eagleHaliaeetus leucogaster
129.Brahminy KiteHaliastur indus
130.Black KiteMilvus migrans
131.Blue-tailed Bee-eaterMerops philippinus
132.Rainbow Bee-eaterMerops ornatus
133.Oriental DollarbirdEurystomus orientalis
134.Oriental Dwarf-kingfisherCeyx erithaca
135.Azure KingfisherCeyx azureus
136.Common KingfisherAlcedo atthis
137.Stork-billed KingfisherPelargopsis capensis
138.White-rumped KingfisherCaridonax fulgidus
139.Collared KingfisherTodiramphus chloris
140.Sacred KingfisherTodiramphus sanctus
141.Sunda Pygmy WoodpeckerPicoides moluccensis
142.Spotted KestrelFalco moluccensis
143.Australian HobbyFalco longipennis
144.Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinus
145.Yellow-crested CockatooCacatua sulphurea
146.Scarlet-breasted LorikeetTrichoglossus forsteni
147.Red-cheeked ParrotGeoffroyus geoffroyi
148.Elegant PittaPitta elegans
149.Scaly-crowned HoneyeaterLichmera lombokia
150.Brown HoneyeaterLichmera indistincta
151.Helmeted FriarbirdPhilemon buceroides
152.Black-naped OrioleOriolus chinensis
153.Bare-throated WhistlerPachycephala nudigula
154.Rusty-breasted WhistlerPachycephala fulvotincta
155.Flores MinivetPericrocotus lansbergei
156.Black-faced CuckooshrikeCoracina novaehollandiae
157.Wallacean CuckooshrikeCoracina personata
158.Sumba CicadabirdEdolisoma dohertyi
159.White-shouldered TrillerLalage sueurii
160.White-breasted WoodswallowArtamus leucoryn
161.Brown-capped FantailRhipidura diluta
162.Wallacean DrongoDicrurus densus
163.Black-naped MonarchHypothymis azurea
164.Nusa Tenggara Paradise-flycatcherTerpsiphone floris
165.Brown ShrikeLanius cristatus
166.Long-tailed ShrikeLanius schach
167.Large-billed CrowCorvus macrorhynchos
168.Grey-headed Canary-flycatcherCulicicapa ceylonensis
169.Great TitParus major
170.Horsfield’s BushlarkMirafra javanica
171.Zitting CisticolaCisticola juncidis
172.Golden-headed CisticolaCisticola exilis
173.Australasian Reed-warblerAcrocephalus australis
174.Red-rumped SwallowCecropis daurica
175.House SwallowHirundo javanica
176.Barn SwallowHirundo rustica
177.Yellow-vented BulbulPycnonotus goiavier
178.Arctic WarblerPhylloscopus borealis
179.Kamchatka Leaf-warblerPhylloscopus examinandus
180.Mountain WarblerPhylloscopus trivirgatus
181.Russet-capped TesiaTesia everetti
182.Aberrant Bush-warblerHorornis flavolivaceus
183.Cream-browed White-eyeHeleia superciliaris
184.Yellow-spectacled White-eyeHeleia wallacei
185.Crested White-eyeHeleia dohertyi
186.Thick-billed White-eyeHeleia crassirostris
187.Mountain White-eyeZosterops montanus
188.Oriental White-eyeZosterops palpebrosus
189.Lemon-bellied White-eyeZosterops chloris
190.Tenggara Hill MynaGracula venerata
191.Short-tailed StarlingAplonis minor
192.Sunda ThrushZoothera andromedae
193.White’s ThrushZoothera aurea
194.Chestnut-backed ThrushGeokichla dohertyi
195.Chestnut-capped ThrushGeokichla interpres
196.Russet-backed Jungle-flycatcherCyornis oscillans
197.Lesser ShortwingBrachypteryx leucophris
198.Snowy-browed FlycatcherFicedula hyperythra
199.Little Pied FlycatcherFicedula westermanni
200.Pied BushchatSaxicola caprata
201.Golden-rumped FlowerpeckerDicaeum annae
202.Black-fronted FlowerpeckerDicaeum igniferum
203.Brown-throated SunbirdAnthreptes malacensis
204.Olive-backed SunbirdCinnyris jugularis
205.Flame-breasted SunbirdCinnyris solaris
206.Red AvadavatAmandava amandava
207.Black-faced MuniaLonchura molucca
208.Scaly-breasted MuniaLonchura punctulata
209.Five-coloured MuniaLonchura quinticolor
210.Pale-headed MuniaLonchura pallida
211.Timor Zebra FinchTaeniopygia guttata
212.Tawny-breasted ParrotfinchErythrura hyperythra
213.Eurasian Tree SparrowPasser montanus
214.Paddyfield PipitAnthus rufulus
215.Grey WagtailMotacilla cinerea
216.Eastern Yellow WagtailMotacilla tschutschensis
217.Matsudaira’s Storm-petrelHydrobates matsudairae
218.Streaked ShearwaterCalonectris leucomelas
219.Bulwer’s PetrelBulweria bulwerii

Fun-Birding on Bima, Sumbawa Island

Reports from Gizan Hila on his latest birding trip in Sumbawa island.

Two days birding was done on February 28th 2018 and March 1st 2018 at two locations in Sumbawa island, West Nusa Tenggara part of Lesser Sunda archipelago. This trip was more like fun birding. We enjoyed the landscape while the birds showed up to complete the panorama.

Nisa Nawi beach from Nanga Nur, Sumbawa island
  • Day One – Feb 28th 2018

We visited Nisa Wawi beach at Nanga Nur peninsula, administered in Sangia village, Sape sub-district, Bima regency. To reach this small island we had to drive for 40 minutes from Bima city (boat trip for 20 minutes from Sape harbor).

Only tamarinds which is a big tree on this island, in addition reeds, Lote trees and shrubs that grow around beaches and limestone peninsulas. Finish enjoyed the “beach watching” then we start birding on 8.00 pm, focused for owling until 10.00 pm.

  • Day Two – Mar 1st 2018

Drive west for 30 minutes from Sape harbor to reach a river which is surrounded by dense vegetation in Diwu Konca (an hour from Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport) . Administered in Sari village Sape sub-district, Bima regency.

We also visited other habitats such as terraced rice fields and bamboo clusters for afternoon birding starting from 3.00 pm until 6.00 pm.

Mollucan Scops Owl from Nisa Wawi, Bima, Sumbawa island

17 participants were joining this party. Managed to see 20 bird species. Here with the highlights such as:

Mollucan Scops Owl, 5 individuals seen at Nisa Wawi

– 30 individuals White-shouldered Triller at Nisa Wawi – Golden-rumped Flowerpecker, 10 individuals seen at Diwu Konca – Two pairs of Rusty-breasted Whistler at Diwu Konca – A single Grey-capped Emerald Dove at Diwu Konca

Other notable birds included:

Scaly-breasted Munia, Black-naped Monarch, Zitting Cisticola, Blue-tailed Bee-eater, Blue-eared Kingfisher, Cave Swiftlet, Lemon-bellied White-eye, Yellow-ringed White-eye, Olive-backed Sunbird, Sooty-headed Bulbul, Collared Kingfisher, Lesser Coucal, Spotted Dove, Red Junglefowl, Long-tailed Shrike.


Endemic and Highlighted Birds during Trip on Sumbawa island

Sumbawa island is part of the lesser sunda area, it’s located between Lombok, Flores and Sumba islands. In terms of birding activities, this island is often missed or skipped by most birders. Fortunately there are some local birders who are avid enough to explore and document the existence and diversity of birds. Surprisingly, almost all the endemic species are relatively easy to photograph, which was suitable for bird photography tours on Sumbawa island.

For six days (09 – 14 November 2017) we were in Bima, Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. Precisely in TWA Madapangga to attend the Pertemuan Pengamat Burung Indonesia VII (Indonesian Bird Watchers’ Meeting VII) on 10-12 November 2017 and extended two days to focus on birding in other locations.

Mega! The critically endengared Flores Hawk-eagle from our trips in Sumbawa island©Alkharim Yoshe

At the meeting there were birdwatchers from Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Malang, Bali, Lombok and from local birdwatchers of Bima. The Sindikat Fotografer Wildlife Bima-Dompu was the organizer and host of the meeting.

TWA Madapangga is located in the west of Bima city with a distance of about 45 Km or takes about 1 hour drive by car. The area of 232 Hectares is administratively in the village of Ndano, Bolo sub-district, Bima district, West Nusa Tenggara Province.

Forest and houses at Kaowa village, Bima, Sumbawa island.©Waskito K Wibowo

This nature park is a source of water for the dryness of the surrounding area. Residents around the area are very dependent on the river and its springs. In the morning and evening I could meet with residents who bathe or wash clothes in the river that is located exactly on the road which connects Bima with Sumbawa city. The topography of this location is generally hilly with a slope of 15 – 40 degrees, only a small part is a relatively flat area with varying heights from 200 to 600 m above sea level.

Birding spots are relatively easy to reach, such as following the loop-track of the camping ground, around the river, and garden of the pool. We tried all those spots while we were there.

After the meeting, we moved to Kaowa village, Lambitu sub-district, 2 hours heading to the east of central Bima city. In this hilly village is widely used as a garden or farm area by residents with the rest of the monsoon forest on each hilltop. Birding spots are located around the village water springs and the edge of forests after farm areas close enough to residents’ houses.

Juvenile Mollucan Scops Owl from Kaowa village, Bima, Sumbawa island


Swiss Winasis, Waskito K Wibowo, Ah Saiful Abid, Imam Taufiqurrahman, Alkharim Yoshe, Afran “Tpal Duablas”, Abdul “Gizan Hila” Azis. ITINERARY: 09/11/2017 – At the evening arrived in Airport and drive to TWA Madapangga. Overnight on the tents. 10/11/2017 – Morning birding until noon. Lunch and follow the meeting until 09.00 PM. Owling for one hour. Overnight on the tents. 11/11/2017same as above 12/11/2017 – Morning birding until noon. After lunch moved to Kaowa village. Arrived at 06.00 PM then dinner with local families. Owling until 10.00 PM. Overnight in local families. 13/11/2017 – Full day birding around the edge of forest and water spring. After dinner owling around water spring again until 10.00 PM. Overnight in local families. 14/11/2017 – Drive to the airport, birding on the way. At noon we flight home and birding trips in Bima, Sumbawa island was ends.

Pitta elegans concina from TWA Madapangga, Sumbawa.©Waskito K Wibowo

HIGHLIGHTS: Glittering or White-rumped Kingfisher – 2-3 birds seen at looping track at the TWA Madapangga. 2-3 birds seen at garden and around water spring of Kaowa village.

Elegant Pitta – 5-6 birds seen behind the camping ground and edge river of TWA Madapangga. 2 birds seen at water spring of Kaowa village. Relatively vocal during our visit.

Flores Hawk-eagle – A clear view of a single bird while perched near the road at the edge of Kaowa village. Mollucan Scops-owl – 30 minutes clear view of single perched bird behind the camping area of TWA Madapangga. 3 birds (two adult and one juvenile) seen at water spring of Kaowa village. Wallacean (Flores) Drongo – Two nest about 6-8 birds seen around the pool of TWA Madapangga. Two nests are also around the garden and water spring of Kaowa village. Flame-breasted Sunbird – Male and female birds at flowering Water rose apple tree around the pool of TWA Madapangga. 2 birds at garden of Kaowa village. Black-fronted Flowerpecker – 2 birds seen near river at fruiting tree’s TWA Madapangga. Yellow-spectacled White-eye – Common in all birding spots visited. Flores Minivet – A pair on the way to the Airport from Kaowa village. Brown-capped Fantail – Single bird at loop trek’s TWA Madapangga.

Other notable birds included – Spotted Dove, Barred Dove, Cave Swiftlet, Lesser Coucal, Black-winged Kite, Oriental Honey-buzzard, Short-toed Snake-eagle, Oriental Dwarf-kingfisher, Common Kingfisher, Collared Kingfisher, Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker, Spotted Kestrel, Scaly-crowned Honeyeater, Helmeted Friarbird, Black-naped Oriole, Rusty-breasted Whistler, White-shouldered Triller, White-breasted Woodswallow, Black-naped Monarch, House Swallow, Sooty-headed Bulbul, Brown-throated Sunbird, Scaly-breasted Munia, Eurasian Tree Sparrow.