Duet Song of Indigo Flycatchers

On January 28th- February 04th 2017 about one week I had birding in Raden Soeryo GP Forestry. There are a few birding sites in the area that I have visited such as the hot spring “Cangar”, Watu Ondo Bridge, Gajah Mungkur, and Sendi.

Many birds are interesting and beautiful that I can see on these premises, especially in the hot spring “Cangar” and Watu Ondo Bridge. Compared to other places I have visited before, the birds in Raden Soeryo GP Forestry are much more easily found and approachable.

While I was drinking and eating fried foods, the birds would come by themselves around the stall near the hot spring. Javan Flameback Chrysocolaptes strictus, Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher Culicicapa ceylonensis, White-crowned Forktail Enicurus leschenaulti, Little Pied Flycatcher Ficedula westermanni, Indigo Flycatcher Eumyas indigo and other birds, often small insect foraging on trees near stall.

However, out of all of the birds, Indigo Flycatcher (Eumyas indigo indigo) is one bird that caught my attention. When I was eating “Sempol” (typical food of this place) on the edge of the road bridge Watu Ondo, four individuals of Indigo Flycatcher approached me.

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Two birds were perched close together on Casuarina junghuhniana. The distance of approximately two meters away from where I was standing was very obvious and very beautiful. And the shiny metallic blue when exposed to sunlight.

The two birds were chirping softly, a very beautiful done repeatedly. When one individual chirps, other individuals will replay with a chirp while slightly bowed head. This behavior is observed for about five minutes, before the birds fly away.

The two birds are male and female which will perform the courtship display of its preliminary breeding cycle. It is based on breeding information of Indigo Flycatcher that are known in February-August and December.

Indigo Flycatcher found only in Montane and submontane primary and moss forests, from 900 m to 3000 m; generally less frequent above 2600 m. of Java island, Indonesia.Beautiful moment I have rarely encountered before. A perfect birding and delicious food!

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