Reports from Gizan Hila on his latest birding trip in Sumbawa island.
Two days birding was done on February 28th 2018 and March 1st 2018 at two locations in Sumbawa island, West Nusa Tenggara part of Lesser Sunda archipelago. This trip was more like fun birding. We enjoyed the landscape while the birds showed up to complete the panorama.
- Day One – Feb 28th 2018
We visited Nisa Wawi beach at Nanga Nur peninsula, administered in Sangia village, Sape sub-district, Bima regency. To reach this small island we had to drive for 40 minutes from Bima city (boat trip for 20 minutes from Sape harbor).
Only tamarinds which is a big tree on this island, in addition reeds, Lote trees and shrubs that grow around beaches and limestone peninsulas. Finish enjoyed the “beach watching” then we start birding on 8.00 pm, focused for owling until 10.00 pm.
- Day Two – Mar 1st 2018
Drive west for 30 minutes from Sape harbor to reach a river which is surrounded by dense vegetation in Diwu Konca (an hour from Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Airport) . Administered in Sari village Sape sub-district, Bima regency.
We also visited other habitats such as terraced rice fields and bamboo clusters for afternoon birding starting from 3.00 pm until 6.00 pm.
17 participants were joining this party. Managed to see 20 bird species. Here with the highlights such as:
– Mollucan Scops Owl, 5 individuals seen at Nisa Wawi
– 30 individuals White-shouldered Triller at Nisa Wawi – Golden-rumped Flowerpecker, 10 individuals seen at Diwu Konca – Two pairs of Rusty-breasted Whistler at Diwu Konca – A single Grey-capped Emerald Dove at Diwu Konca
Other notable birds included:
Scaly-breasted Munia, Black-naped Monarch, Zitting Cisticola, Blue-tailed Bee-eater, Blue-eared Kingfisher, Cave Swiftlet, Lemon-bellied White-eye, Yellow-ringed White-eye, Olive-backed Sunbird, Sooty-headed Bulbul, Collared Kingfisher, Lesser Coucal, Spotted Dove, Red Junglefowl, Long-tailed Shrike.