The first photo of the enigma Black-browed Babbler in the wild

Black-browed Babbler (Melacocincla perspicillata) since “lost” for more than 170 years was found again by Muhammad Suranto and Selamet in 2020.

For the past two months, our team led by Panji Gusti A. conducted research in the eastern Meratus Mountains area, South Kalimantan to study the ecological and biological aspects that are very close to unknown.

On the first day of the visit, the team got the first photo in nature, along with a recording of the sound of this enigmatic bird.

The search continues to expand to determine its natural distribution. Hopefully in the next few months there will be important ecological information that can be collected by the team.

This fieldwork was funded by Oriental Bird Club (OBC) and the American Bird Concervancy (ABC). In collaboration with BKSDA Kalimantan Selatan, Dinas Kehutanan Kalimantan Selatan, KPH Cantung.

Stay tune for more interesting news.

Photo by: Panji Gusti A. | @birdpacker