Kingfisher Trip Around Malang, East Java

Finished accompanied by a friend from Hong Kong to photograph Kingfisher around Malang, East Java. During April 26 – 29th 2018 we visited four birding locations.

The main target of this trip is the Indonesian endemic, Cerulean Kingfisher Alcedo coerulescens which can be found in Streams, canals, ponds, swamps, tidal estuaries, mudflats, mangroves, fish ponds, flooded paddyfields; from coast up to 800 m along South Sumatra through Java, Kangean Is and Bali to Lombok and Sumbawa; recorded also on Flores.

On the first day, Kevin and I met at Javan Banded Pitta’s site in Tretes, East Java that was managed by Heru Cahyono (Malang Birding Tours) in the afternoon. Before dark we move to a hotel in Batu city, dinner on the way.

Starting early in the morning we visited Batu Apple Farm to take pictures of Javan Kingfisher until 8.00 am. We have to hurry to reach the main target location on the south coast of Malang.

Javan Kingfisher with prey in Batu city, East Java

After lunch we arrived, then put up camouflage-tent around the fish-pond which is our favorite perch for.

About 30 minutes later, Cerulean Kingfsiher perch in 8 meter ahead. Along the afternoon the shutter was not stop clicking.

On the last day, we only have time until lunch time for the last target in the estuary area of south Malang. Ruddy Kingfisher.

The main target Cerulean Kingfisher with prey

Ruddy Kingfisher Halcyon coromanda has widespread distribution, from NE China through Sulawesi island.

In Java (H.c. minor) this species has a few records, seems rare to find. In Kondang Merak, south Malang has many records compared to other locations in Java island but still challenging. The race minor is very small than the other, much darker, washed with violet, large silvery rump patch.

Quickly we waited in the location which usually this bird encountered. We were disturbed by the passing of other visitors, several of them curious with us. Until really quiet at around 10.30 am the Ruddy Kingfisher appeared.

Ruddy Kingfisher from south Malang, East Java

Kevin took many shots, he even had time to change lenses because the birds perch to close about 3 meters away.

2 hours stayed in front of the tent, until Kevin was satisfied, then we had a long drive to his hotel in Surabaya before he took off back to Hong Kong the next day.

Satisfied after got the main target

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